Google stopped crawling websites hosted at SiteGround from Monday 08/11/2021

Google stopped crawling websites hosted at SiteGround from Monday 08/11/2021. Blogging website owners and online sellers are worried much as some of the store products are dropped out of Google search page.

SiteGround is a popular hosting company hosts nearly 20,00,000 websites. SiteGround is a holding of companies registered in the USA, UK, Bulgaria, and Spain that manages four offices and several datacenter locations around the world with more than 500 employees. It started operations in 2004 and gained a good reputation as a trusted hosting provider in terms of speed and support. Most of its infrastructure is powered by the Google Cloud Platform.

As of today, the problem is still not identified. The company responded on the issue:

“We have escalated the issue to Google and we are working to troubleshoot and identify the cause of the problem. We will keep you updated once there’s more information or the problem is fixed”.

I believe this is a temporary issue, will be resolved soon. But the damage is damage. Some of its customers are worried and planning to migrate to a new provider.

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